
Arista Paxton
200 employees
Niven Poleman

Preform Enhances Efficiency with Workweek Software

Challenges Faced Before Using Workweek

Arista Paxton, a manager at Preform, faced significant operational challenges, including:

  • Excessive Paperwork: "There was an enormous amount of paperwork and I was being bombarded with WhatsApps from safety reps. It was a lot of data from manual submissions on a daily basis and very time-consuming."
  • Data Overload from Manual Submissions: Safety representatives constantly sent Arista WhatsApp messages with daily manual submissions, leading to data overload.
  • Time-Consuming Processes: Managing these manual submissions was extremely time-consuming.

Initial Hesitations About Workweek Software

Arista was initially hesitant about adopting Workweek software due to:

  • Variety of Existing Systems: "There are a lot of clocking systems out there, and I was on the fence at the beginning because I've worked with different systems before."
  • Past Experiences: Having used different systems in the past, Arista was unsure if Workweek would meet all their needs.

Why Preform Chose Workweek

Preform ultimately chose Workweek because it was user-friendly. As Arista stated, "We chose Workweek because it was user-friendly.The intuitive interface and straightforward navigation made it easy for the team to adopt the software quickly without extensive training. This ease of use was crucial for a company managing multiple sites and dealing with a diverse workforce. The ability to quickly understand and utilise the system allowed for a smooth transition from manual processes to a more efficient digital workflow. Additionally, the user-friendly design ensured that even employees with limited technical skills could effectively use the software, leading to higher adoption rates and immediate improvements in operational efficiency"

How Workweek Addressed the Challenges

  • Significant Time Savings: "I used to spend about four hours daily on data capturing; now it's down to 10 minutes."
  • Real-Time Live Feeds: "I have real-time live feeds from every single site across the country. I know exactly when someone is sick."
  • Improved Data Management: "I can upload documents and data to one individual with just a click."
  • Enhanced Monitoring: "I can see exactly how late people arrive and how early they leave. It's shocking to see how many key people actually arrive late and leave early. Workweek brought all of that to the surface, allowing me to address it and have a stronger workforce."

Results Since Using Workweek

  • Accurate Timekeeping: "We have more accurate timekeeping and better accuracy in tracking actual sick leave as opposed to someone just not being at work."
  • Enhanced Workforce Management: "I was able to address issues with key employees arriving late or leaving early, leading to a stronger workforce."

Overall Experience with Workweek

Arista describes the overall experience with Workweek as:

  • Quick and Easy: "It's quick, easy, user-friendly, and literally foolproof. You cannot mess it up."
  • Reliable: Workweek software is designed to be extremely user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for anyone to use without extensive training. Its robust and reliable features ensure accurate data capture and real-time monitoring, eliminating errors and streamlining operations.

Ease of Integration

  • Smooth Integration: "At the moment, I have 17 sites, and all of them caught on within the first two to three days. It was wonderful for me."

Favourite Feature of Workweek Software

Arista’s favourite feature is the shift verification capability. "I love seeing when someone tries to clock in using someone else's name. It proves that I can see whose photo it is, which helps in maintaining integrity."

Future with Workweek

  • No Going Back: "We'll never go back to all of that manual paperwork, phoning, and following up. That's the way forward. I highly recommend Workweek to every single person dealing with manual time-keeping systems and old clocking systems."


The implementation of Workweek software has significantly transformed Preform's operations. By reducing paperwork, streamlining data management, and providing real-time insights, Workweek has addressed key challenges and improved overall efficiency. Arista Paxton and her team now enjoy a more organised, time-efficient, and transparent workflow. Preform highly recommends Workweek to any organisation seeking to modernise their time-keeping and workforce management systems, ensuring a forward-thinking approach in the construction industry.